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The Mission/Purpose of STEM Press

STEM Press exists to extend God’s glory by publishing and distributing mission trip preparation, mission trip training curriculum and mission trip resources that equip, support, and improve U.S. churches’ short-term mission trip preparation efforts and long-term missionary efforts among the world’s unreached people.

We’re preparing short-term mission teams for maximum impact in their Gospel witness!

“I just ordered resources from STEM for the first time … I was delighted with your selection of resources and your prompt order fulfillment service. I order many things via the internet and have never had better service.”

Gary Dolan
RiverTree Christian Church — Massillon, Ohio

Thanks for getting [my 40 books] out so fast!

Jenny Noyes — Executive Director
New Wineskins Missionary Network

About STEM Int’l (Short-Term Evangelical Missions International)

Rev. Roger Peterson

Founder / CEO

STEM Int’l incorporated December 1984 as a Minnesota 501(c)(3) nonprofit Christian missions ministry. STEM relocated to Florida in 2013.

STEM Int’l was organized into three program divisions: 

1. STEM Ministries (including STEM Share) — the short-term missions trip and outreach sending divisions. Between 1985 and 2013, STEM Ministries trained and sent out more than 8,000 short-term missionaries into more than a dozen nations in the Caribbean, Central & South America, and the 10/40 Window. We estimate that 15,000 people became Christ-followers as a result! In 2009 the Lord spoke clearly to us, saying “That’s it!” — so our STEM Ministries/STEM Share programs wound down during the next 4 years; we ceased sending short-term mission trips in 2013. 

(an interactive listing of all STEM-sent teams from 1985-2013 is available on the original archived STEM website)

2. STEM Training — training churches and other sending entities in preparing short-term mission teams with missions trip training curriculum through industry-leading training events and consulting and speaking services from the mid-1990s to about 2010 — with CEO Roger Peterson periodically available on a public speaking basis (including Perspectives Lesson #9, “The Task Remaining)”.

3. STEM Press — the missions publishing division of STEM Int’l. STEM Press began somewhat “accidentally” in 1991, when STEM Founder/CEO Roger Peterson co-authored and published a solid, empirical 40-page research study on the post-field outcomes of 366 previous STEM short-term missionaries. This study (still in print) has sold several thousand copies. Is Short-Term Mission Really Worth the Time and Money? reported statistically significant changes in prayer, financial giving, commitment to world mission, mission-related activities and education, and in feelings about returning to the mission field.

Today, STEM Press continues to provide mission trip training curriculum, mission trip resources, mission trip fundraising ideas, mission trip budgeting ideas, mission trip meeting ideas, mission trip planning curriculum, mission trip devotionals, mission trip planning checklists, mission trip packing checklists — and nearly everything needed for preparing short-term mission teams with maximum Kingdom impact!


STEM Int’l maintains our registered office in Minneapolis MN and our publications/administrative/shipping office near Orlando FL.


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